Texas is neither southern nor western. Texas is Texas - Senator William Blakley

Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word - Author John Steinbeck

Friday, December 14, 2012

Republican Texas

In “WIll the Democratic Party become dominant again inTexas?” the writer Gustavo Rubio proposes the argument that despite the increase of minorities in Texas and the desire for immigration reform Texas will never be a Democrat state even thought they support these ideas. He presents his argument in an organize way with him initially stating his argument “Is the neglect of immigration reform going to push Texas to start leaning left? Just like Texas Democratic Gilberto Hinjosa claimed? .  No” and the stating evidence “Some of this population of Latinos in Texas might not even be able to vote because they didn’t register, aren’t citizens or are undocumented”. Additionally he follows it up with “Mexican Americans that have been in Texas for generations sometimes get accustomed to the Texas traditions and align themselves conservative viewpoints”. I completely agree with his statement on a personal level because that’s what happened to me I couldn’t register on time therefore I couldn’t vote I felt disappointed because every ones vote counts and makes a difference. There are many people who wish they could vote or had the rights I do but I didn’t take advantage of them it could of made a difference. Minorities in my opinion could be a significant part of Texas politics if they put effort into it but the fact that they don’t there not letting their voices be heard so until they get involved Texas will stay Republican. Furthermore I highly agree with Rubio’s argument that Texas will remain a republican state until minorities finally step up.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Abortion in Texas

Should Texas even allow abortions? I believe yes under extreme conditions such as rape, incest, or life endangerment. Texas how ever does have regulations which are “ 1)The parent of a minor must consent and be notified before an abortion is provided. 2) A woman must receive state-directed counseling that includes information designed to discourage her from having an abortion and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided. Counseling must be conducted in person for women who live less than 100 miles from the facility before the waiting period begins, thereby necessitating two separate trips to the facility. 3) Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest.” Many people misuse this right some see it as a birth control route instead of assuming responsibility for their actions. I believe Texas should be harsher with their abortion restrictions so more people become more responsible because innocent people (unborn child) shouldn’t pay for others ignorance besides we have no right to play god. Honesty I wished abortion didn’t even exist but then I think about those other situations where it’s almost even necessary. I specially agree with the first restriction because if it weren’t so any teen could obtain an abortion and wouldn’t have to worry about protection which would also possibly increase STD’s. One regulation that should be issued is that the government will only pay for abortions for only those extreme situations if people have to pay for abortions I believe this will decrease the abortion rate that has been decreasing but not fast enough. Even though some might argue that a person has the right to do what they want to their body there not taking in consideration the other life that will be affected. Also a regulation of a limit of months in pregnancy you have to be to get an abortion such as no more than 3 months of pregnancy. Furthermore Texas should be stricter with their abortion policies and restrict more things because abortion is murder.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Fool on the Hill's "Cheech and Chong Texas Government or How Rick Perry Got the Munchies"

In the article "Cheech and Chong Texas Government or How Rick Perry Got the Munchies" the writer uses a great title very successful attention getter and highly relatable to the audience. Also includes a great image to incorporate and tie down the main idea a public figure. Right away the writer addresses the issue and provides an opinion with evidence supporting the opinion such as " Not only is Colorado taxing and regulating marijuana in order to raise much needed revenue, but portions of state government are pushing to legalize recreational use and possession in this year's elections in what is commonly known as "Amendment 64."." The writer used very great solid evidence to back up their opinion and introduced effectively the many pros of decriminalizing marijuana and also included the fact that it effects more than one thing and many problems could be solved by taking this approach. Also the conclusion was great because the writer stated their point again but also left you thinking by ending the paragraph with questions to really make you think about what they said overall successfully delivered their opinion to the audience.

Friday, November 2, 2012

To ID or not To ID?

Should Texas enact a voter ID law? I believe this law might benefit some other states but not Texas. Voter fraud has been one of the strongest arguments of the pro law group and highly emphasized Texas because its minority population is greatly growing. On the other hand Democrats are stating that the voter ID laws will discriminate minority and low income citizens when trying to vote because they are less likely to posses photo identification.

                I agree with most democrats that not only will voter ID laws will discriminate against minority and low income citizens but also there’s only a really low percentage of voter fraud and according to an article in The Racquette “statistics have shown that voter fraud, at least at the polls, is slim to none, with only 86 convictions of voter fraud over a period of five years (prorepublica.org). Voter fraud is more common with absentee ballots, and these voter identification laws do nothing to prevent this kind of fraud. Instead, voter fraud prevents people from voting” sounds like devious plan from the republicans to eliminate democrat supporters. Not only would it hurt the democrats but also Texas because that would cause a lower voting turnout and it’s already low as it is. If a voter ID law is passed every eligible citizen wanted to vote would force them to show a form of identification such as a birth certificate, Tx ID, or driver’s license. In glance you might think what’s so wrong with this law but how about the low income hard working American wanting to vote but has no identification this law would require them to get one. To obtain an ID you need time and money and it’s an extra hassle that a minority or a low income citizen would have to do in order to vote. In The Racquette they also emphasize when they say “prevents people from voting, such as Viviette Applewhite, a Pennsylvanian who is suing the state. Because she is 93 years old, she does not have a birth certificate or a driver’s license, and therefore can’t vote under the new Pennsylvania law. Another negative affect of these laws is that if you don’t have a form of identification to present at the polls, getting a new birth certificate or government issued ID can be costly and time consuming. The elderly and the poor, the people most effected by the laws”. We want people to vote after all that’s what democracy is all about hearing the voice of the people let them fairly choose their leader instead of trying to put restrictions that might prevent them from voting.

                A voting ID law would greatly benefit Texas if voting fraud was a big issue but since it’s not it is absolutely useless and it’s actually discouraging some citizens from voting. And for that same reason the law hasn’t been able to pass in Texas.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rest In Peace Senator Mario Gallegos

In the Burnt Orange Report blog author Katherine Haenschen wrote about senator Mario Gallegos who passed away 3 days ago. She described him in kind and positive ways when she wrote “Gallegos was a champion of Democratic and progressive causes. This is a sad day for Texas, who have lost a leader who fought for the people to the very end.” She emphasizes how he meant a lot to many because of his support for the minorities and education. Despite being named “One of the worst legislators in Texas” by Texas Monthly in both 2001 and 2005 Haenschen disregarded that glorified him as a “champion” and many people would agree. She presents proof of his heart and courageousness when she states “In 2007, Senator Gallegos returned to the Capitol shortly after a liver transplant, so that he could cast his vote as the 11th Senator against the Republicans' Photo Voter ID bill that session.” He believe this would discriminate against minority voters but still the weakened senator stayed in the capital in a hospital bed just to vote against the photo voter ID bill. With that statement she tries to use emotional appeal to convey his heroism, courage, heart, and passion to support what he believed in. Finally she ends her blog by stating “This is a sad day for Texas, who have lost a leader who fought for the people to the very end. Our condolences to his family, friends, staff, and colleagues in this sad time.” And she does this to over emphasize his importance to the community, friends, and family. Her main audiences is mainly centered to people who actually knew him such as family and friends but it also spreads to people who want to know more about the people who represents them. She portrays her thoughts and feelings well in a professional and meaningful way to her audience that shows her respect towards him. Rest In Peace Mario Gallegos.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Perry's Tuition Proposals generally apealling

In the article “Perry’s tuition proposals generallyappealing” by the editorial board of Austin American Statesman exclaim that governor Rick Perry’s proposal to freeze tuition rates for 4 years sounds tempting but believe more could be done to help students but it’s a start. The editorial board’s main audience in this article is college students, future college students, and parents because they are who will be affected with college tuition rates. They state many facts to show a little credibility but it’s not stated in the article who specifically wrote or edited it therefore the opinion is not that credible. However the facts they present are appealing to its audience such as “Fewer than a third of Texas college students graduate in four years. Perry wants to try to improve that outcome by tying graduation rates to state funding, something that would benefit UT-Austin, since it graduates more students in four years than any other public university in the state.” They involve UT being one of the most recognized universities in Texas to add more credibility but also establish a connection to its audience. They also state “As for Perry’s call for a $10,000 degree, it remains, almost two years after he proposed it, more gimmick than realistic goal. In August, the American-Statesman’s Ralph Haurwitz reviewed the few $10,000 degrees available and found their price tag often excludes the cost of textbooks and depends on financial aid subsidies and credits earned at community colleges and elsewhere off campus” explaining that this proposal is close to impossible considering all the expenses and time to complete it. This also shows a little opinion of the editorial board of Perry when they describe that plan as “gimmick” questioning the governor’s proposals. With the use of logical appeal by presenting facts the editorial board greatly persuades its audience that Perry is on the right path but there is still more things to resolve so college students have more opportunities to be successful. I agree with the editorial board it’s a really good start but more could be done such as increase the state’s budget for higher education and cut back on some other things.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Man Arrested for recording videos?

Yes its true according to the American Statesman Antonio Buehler was arrested for the third time after video taping officers during traffic stops. Buehler is part of an organization called Peaceful Streets Project whose main goal is to stop the harassment of law enforces and to demand equality. The real question is this even illegal in the state of Texas or anywhere else? Apparently it is he is being charged of “interfering with public duty”. In the article it stated “The incident happened in the 1300 block of West Sixth Street at 1:22 this morning while officers had stopped a driver who was possibly driving while intoxicated. Buehler was on one side of a police officer and was asked to move to an area where other people were, but he kept stepping back into where the officer didn’t want him” but this is only the officer’s side of the story according to Buehler “Police told Buehler he could keep shooting video”. After he was arrested the cameras were confiscated and most likely all the footage will be erased according to a similar article in the PSP’s website. So is this a violation of our first amendment or do the officers have every right to arrest him. I’m guessing these Texan officers don’t mess around but this is no laughing matter because we could be the next victims of some officer’s harassment. I believe the public should have the right to see these footages in order to finally put a stop to the harassment of officers and have evidence to prove this exists. Very interesting article because if really makes you think through both perspective first from Buehler who was obeying orders but still wanted to get some footage or the officer who was trying to do his job and maybe his reasons why he arrested him.