Texas is neither southern nor western. Texas is Texas - Senator William Blakley

Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word - Author John Steinbeck

Friday, September 21, 2012

Man Arrested for recording videos?

Yes its true according to the American Statesman Antonio Buehler was arrested for the third time after video taping officers during traffic stops. Buehler is part of an organization called Peaceful Streets Project whose main goal is to stop the harassment of law enforces and to demand equality. The real question is this even illegal in the state of Texas or anywhere else? Apparently it is he is being charged of “interfering with public duty”. In the article it stated “The incident happened in the 1300 block of West Sixth Street at 1:22 this morning while officers had stopped a driver who was possibly driving while intoxicated. Buehler was on one side of a police officer and was asked to move to an area where other people were, but he kept stepping back into where the officer didn’t want him” but this is only the officer’s side of the story according to Buehler “Police told Buehler he could keep shooting video”. After he was arrested the cameras were confiscated and most likely all the footage will be erased according to a similar article in the PSP’s website. So is this a violation of our first amendment or do the officers have every right to arrest him. I’m guessing these Texan officers don’t mess around but this is no laughing matter because we could be the next victims of some officer’s harassment. I believe the public should have the right to see these footages in order to finally put a stop to the harassment of officers and have evidence to prove this exists. Very interesting article because if really makes you think through both perspective first from Buehler who was obeying orders but still wanted to get some footage or the officer who was trying to do his job and maybe his reasons why he arrested him.