Texas is neither southern nor western. Texas is Texas - Senator William Blakley

Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word - Author John Steinbeck

Friday, December 14, 2012

Republican Texas

In “WIll the Democratic Party become dominant again inTexas?” the writer Gustavo Rubio proposes the argument that despite the increase of minorities in Texas and the desire for immigration reform Texas will never be a Democrat state even thought they support these ideas. He presents his argument in an organize way with him initially stating his argument “Is the neglect of immigration reform going to push Texas to start leaning left? Just like Texas Democratic Gilberto Hinjosa claimed? .  No” and the stating evidence “Some of this population of Latinos in Texas might not even be able to vote because they didn’t register, aren’t citizens or are undocumented”. Additionally he follows it up with “Mexican Americans that have been in Texas for generations sometimes get accustomed to the Texas traditions and align themselves conservative viewpoints”. I completely agree with his statement on a personal level because that’s what happened to me I couldn’t register on time therefore I couldn’t vote I felt disappointed because every ones vote counts and makes a difference. There are many people who wish they could vote or had the rights I do but I didn’t take advantage of them it could of made a difference. Minorities in my opinion could be a significant part of Texas politics if they put effort into it but the fact that they don’t there not letting their voices be heard so until they get involved Texas will stay Republican. Furthermore I highly agree with Rubio’s argument that Texas will remain a republican state until minorities finally step up.